A Collingwood couple’s 56th wedding anniversary was happening in just two days, and they wanted to do something to commemorate it. Time was not on our side, so we called Margaret and Norm and discussed some ideas, and he decided that his wish was for a unique photo shoot to capture this special moment in time. Jeff White, a local Collingwood Photographer, answered our call.
When Jeff arrived at the home, it was clear how vital design and aesthetics were to this couple. He captured some beautiful architectural elements of the home they proudly built together. While they were posing, Margaret & Norm whispered to one another, the love and affection they felt was evident.
Norm passed only a few days later. A note was sent back to The Living Wish Foundation from Norm's community nurse, who helped him request his wish.
“Margaret is thrilled with the photos! Her comment to me was that a kinder and more appreciated gift could not have been given to them.”